Choctaw County Housing Authorities manage the federal Section 8 program offered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. A Housing Authority provides housing options for low-income individuals and families, including rental housing, rental assistance programs, and Choctaw County Section 8 housing choice vouchers in Choctaw County, Oklahoma. The housing vouchers can be used to pay for single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments, and Choctaw County Housing Authorities can help determine eligibility for services, complete a Section 8 application, and they may distribute Section 8 benefits. Housing Authorities provide information on Choctaw County low-income housing, including Section 8, on their website.
Boswell Housing Authority Boswell OK 501 2nd Street 74727 580-566-2243 Suggest Edit
Choctaw County Town and City Halls provide a range of municipal services for their residents, including low-income housing assistance. In some areas, the Town or City Hall distributes Choctaw County Section 8 housing choice vouchers offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Town and City Halls provide information on qualifying for Section 8 support, accessing Section 8 benefits, and paying for single-family homes or apartments with Section 8 vouchers in Choctaw County, Oklahoma. They may also provide other rental assistance programs for qualifying Choctaw County individuals and families. Town and City Halls provide Section 8 information on their websites.
Boswell City Hall Boswell OK 410 6th Street 74727 580-566-2211 Suggest Edit
Soper City Hall Soper OK 600 Main Street 74759 580-345-2630 Suggest Edit
Choctaw County Veterans Affairs Departments provide services to veterans, including Armed Forces veterans and Reserve veterans. Local branches of the VA provide Choctaw County housing assistance to veterans who meet eligibility requirements, including Section 8 benefits offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Veterans can access Choctaw County Section 8 benefits, apply for Section 8, or apply for other housing assistance programs through the VA in Choctaw County, Oklahoma. Section 8 housing choice vouchers can pay for homes, townhouses, and apartments. Veterans can learn more about their housing service options, including Section 8, through a local Veterans Affairs Office or the Veteran Affairs website.
Choctaw County Veterans Affairs Hugo OK 300 East Duke Street 74743 580-326-5441 Suggest Edit
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8316 Hugo OK U.s. 70 74743 580-326-6316 Suggest Edit